First Name
Last Name
Preferred Pronouns
Phone #
How would you like to be contacted?
Phone Call
How did you hear about me?
Goals: What are your primary health and fitness goals? Are they a priority for you right now?
What have you tried in the past to reach these goals? (programs, personal trainer, physical therapy, group class, etc.)
Injury history: Do you have any previous or current injuries?
Current Exercise/Activity Level
You are sedentary, and do not partake in any structured activity throughout the week.
You partake in some light structured activity throughout the week like a fast walk or a bike ride.
You train less than 5 hours a week. If you make it to the gym a few times a week and train no longer than an hour, you will most likely fall into this category.
You train 5-10 hours a week. This or the previous category usually fit if you’re an avid gym-goer. Example: You go to the gym during the week for a little over an hour a day and remain relatively active on the weekends.
You train 10-15 hours a week, either as longer sessions done 5-6 days a week or perhaps more than one exercise session per day, teaching multiple fitness classes daily, etc. Those really dedicated to fitness, various modes of exercise, or are training for a specific sport/event usually fall into this category.
You train 15-20 hours a week. Typically in-season competitive athletes, people preparing for a meet/competition, and people who train twice a day fall into this category. Many competitive functional fitness athletes, power-lifters, Olympic weightlifters, and strongmen will find themselves here
You train over 20 hours a week for a particular sport. These are typically going to be elite endurance, performance, and strength athletes.
Outside of the gym how active are you daily?
Minimal (mostly sedentary)
Moderate (standing, walking, or on your feet for some of the day)
High (you are on your feet all day, construction, fitness, etc.)
How experienced are you with strength training?
I have never strength trained before
I have strength trained before but its been YEARS
Is there anything else you'd like me to know about you?